The Candidate Who Listens. For A Change.

Bryon Best, the youngest of eight children, learned about overcoming adversity from his father. “There was a time when he had no car, so he walked to work. He never complained, he never made excuses, and he always provided for us. His example was all the motivation I needed to succeed in life.”

In school, Bryon excelled both academically and athletically. He and his brother were the first two freshmen ever to earn starting positions on football powerhouse Strom Thurmond High School’s varsity team.

After graduation, Bryon earned a degree in history from Livingstone, an Historically Black Christian College — where he served as the secretary-treasurer for the Political Science Club, and learned first-hand about public service as a campaign intern for North Carolina Congressman Ty Cobb.

Today, Bryon manages Greenwood’s Sherwin-Williams — the top-ranked store in the state of South Carolina. Bryon and his wife Ariel are longtime supporters of the community, and — with son Elias — are active members of their church.


I was born and raised in Edgefield. I’ve made a home for my family right here in District Three. I make my living by helping other people succeed, by listening to their needs, and I’ve heard the people of District Three.

I’ve heard too many stories of people struggling to make ends meet. That’s why I’m dedicating my time, and my heart, to serving this district the best way I can. For three decades, we’ve been neglected by career politicians, and a hard-hearted Washington DC establishment serving only its own self-interests.

It’s time someone in Congress was willing to reach across the aisle. Someone who’ll work hard, play fair, and get things done. For all of us.

It’s time for a positive change. I’m here to serve. I’m here to listen. And I want to know: What’s best for you?



It’s time to put We The People first.

I am not a career politician. I’m not a Washington Insider. And I will never put my career ahead of your needs. That’s how, together, we’ll bring better, high-paying jobs — and a genuinely effective educational system — to District 3


Better-paying jobs start with a better-served community

The people of District 3 aren’t asking for more jobs. We need more good jobs. High-paying jobs and successful careers. That’s how families and communities thrive.

So how do we do that?
In America today, there are 5000 communities fighting to attract the roughly 150 larger  companies that relocate each year. That means, in any given year, those communities have a 3% chance of succeeding.

We need to focus our efforts on encouraging and supporting local economic growth — creating high-paying jobs through innovation and creativity, while supporting local entrepreneurs. After all, 90% of all jobs come from small and local businesses. What’s more, all of those jobs’ tax dollars stay local.

Last year, the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) launched a statewide effort to boost rural employment, and match job seekers with employers desperate for help. As your representative, I’ll work with DEW to bring that program to District Three. And I’ll work tirelessly in supporting efforts to create more, and better, high-paying jobs throughout our area.


A better-served community starts with a better-prepared workforce

There’s no nice way to say it: Our schools are not preparing our children for the future. South Carolina ranks 42 nationwide for education.

We’ve got to transform our schools from “diploma mills” into effective resources for inspiring successful careers. That starts with expanding our concept of what a successful career can be — including the countless opportunities already available in high-paying crafts and trades — in addition to careers in technology and other professions.

I’ll fight to provide our dedicated educators with the resources, and the support, they need to succeed at the jobs they work so hard to do.

Women’s Equality. And Autonomy.

Give them the pay, and the choices, they deserve.

You’d think women’s pay, compared to men’s, would increase with their level of education. You’d be wrong. In fact, women with advanced degrees earn a lower comparative percentage (77%) than women without high school diplomas (80%). By any measure, that’s wrong. I’ll work to ensure that everyone in our community gets the respect and fair pay they deserve.

I’ll also work to support women’s freedom of choice in planning their own families, which should be left to decisions of personal conscience, not political self-interests.


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